Sturminster Marshall First School

Grow, Achieve, Inspire, Nurture. SMFS where learning is an adventure.

Behaviour Management

Sturminster Marshall First School Governors

Behaviour Management Policy - Statement of Principles

The Department of Education requires that governing bodies of all maintained schools formulate a written Statement of Principles to guide the Head Teacher and staff in writing and annually reviewing the school’s Behaviour Management Policy. 

At Sturminster Marshall First School we aim to encourage high standards of behaviour and learning in a safe and caring environment where all pupils are respected as individuals. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children is paramount.  Staff are entitled to teach in a secure and conducive environment. 

The following statement has been approved by the governing body of Sturminster Marshall First School:

· The school has a strong and consistent behaviour management policy that is accessible to and clearly understood by the pupils, the staff, parents/carers and all those involved with the school.

· It is firmly understood that good behaviour has a positive effect on the learning environment for all pupils, and this in turn leads to increased self- esteem, self-confidence, self-discipline and motivation for all pupils.

· The policy supports the staff in managing pupils’ behaviour through a clear system that balances a range of rewards for good behaviour and graduated sanctions that are applied fairly to poor behaviour rather than to the child, and take into account the emotional needs of each child as an individual. Behaviour issues will be tracked, monitored and reviewed.

· The school policy helps pupils to understand the need for good behaviour wherever they are, and whatever they may be doing, and that they share a responsibility to set a good example for the care and behaviour of their peers and children younger than themselves. 

· The school community promotes inclusion, equality and respect for all.  It enables all pupils, regardless of gender, race or special educational needs to learn and develop to the best of their ability, and bullying in any form will not be tolerated. 

· It is recognised that parents/carers have a role to play in reinforcing the school’s expectations about good and bad behaviour and that they will be expected to support the school in maintaining good behaviour.

· It is recognised that head teacher and staff will be supported in circumstances where they have to exert their statutory authority to discipline pupils for poor behaviour, either in school or beyond the school gates.


At Sturminster Marshall First School we have a whole school approach for promoting positive behaviour with systems and expectations across the school.