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Sturminster Marshall First School

Grow, Achieve, Inspire, Nurture. SMFS where learning is an adventure.
  • "I am happy doing maths and reading."
  • "I am happy when I am playing with my friends."
  • "I like making bug hotels with my friends."
  • "I really liked doing The Great Fire of London topic."
  • "I liked reading 'The First Drawing' and learning about the Stone Age."
  • "I love the after-school clubs."
  • "I love having Rights Time because we can go across the school to do activities."
  • "I am happy when I am doing English and Art."
  • "I am happy when my friends are happy and we play together."
  • "I am happy when I'm learning new things and when I play with my friends."

A very warm Welcome

At Sturminster Marshall First School children are put at the heart of what we do. We want them to enjoy their learning, be confident learners and enable them to achieve their potential.

Our school provides a nurturing environment where we know each child as an individual and work closely with families. We are developing a values-based school, where the children learn about human values like kindness, equality, respect and peace, which we feel are important for the school community and wider society.

As a school we know the importance of using the outside grounds to develop a range of learning opportunities and well-being for each individual child. Our children benefit from structured forest school sessions throughout the year which develop their independence, self-esteem, resilience and teamwork. Our aim is to develop more purposeful playtimes to make them enjoyable and engaging learning experiences for our children.

If you would like to visit our school, you would be most welcome. Please contact the office on 01258 857348 to speak to Mrs Selway or Mrs Young to make an appointment. We look forward to welcoming you.

Yours sincerely - Mrs Charman

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